Mac 1, Unix 0

12 Jun 2002

Some success, some failure. On the plus side, I've now played with all the "Digital Hub" apps successfully. I used iMovie to splice together a couple of interview videos I have to transcribe, imported Lou Reed's "Transformer" and the theme from Amelie into iTunes (I'm listening to "Perfect Day" at this very moment) and got a couple of photos into iPhoto. The latter is the most interesting, as it involved getting my ZiO SmartMedia reader working. I was a little disappointed that it didn't work straight off, but when I went to Microtech's site and downloaded the drivers, everything went swimmingly.

I also downloaded the OS X 1.1.5 update. I'm impressed with what I've seen of Software Update, and it installed the upgrade with no problems. I've not seen the dramatic speed increases everyone seems to be crediting it with, but then again I've not really started stretching the iBook yet.

On the Unix side, things have been going a lot less smoothly. I tried to install Fink in order to get things like Python and Carbon Emacs and start getting real work done. However, something went wrong. It's almost certainly due to my dodgy install of the developer tools (I downloaded the image from ADC, but it was corrupted. I ploughed on with the install regardless, and ended up with only half the tools. D'Oh.) I've removed it, and in the process of downloading the image again (not going via a PC and a dodgy CD-R this time).

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